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Meet The Team: Jon Green

A couple of months ago, we announced that Jon Green, a veteran in the life science sector, would be joining us as a Scientific and Laboratory Consultant. Today, we are delighted to share a conversation we had with Jon to find out more about his extensive career, how he came to join COEL and more.

Why not start by telling me a little bit about yourself?

I was born in East End of London within the sound of Bow Bells, so I am a true cockney! I’m married, have two sons and two stepdaughters, two dogs and two cats, and  I live in an idyllic village in South Cambs.

An interesting fact about myself is that my first job after I left school was not in science – for a period, I worked as an embalmer, it’s a long story.  Another interesting fact is that I was in a pub quiz team years ago and we won the National Greene King pub quiz league one year.

Can you tell us about your experience in the life science industry?

How long have you got? I started out as a very junior technician at Imperial College London. After a couple of years, I moved to The MRC Toxicology Unit in leafy Surrey, where I stayed for 14 years.

Along the way, I finally got some qualifications (all studied part-time) and ended up with a Masters (MPhil) in Molecular Biology/Cellular Pathology. I moved to Cambridge in 1991 to join Cambridge Antibody Technology as a Senior Scientist. I have 40 or so scientific publications to my name.

The company went through many transitions, and I stuck with it until 2019 when Astra Zeneca retired the brand.  I gradually stopped doing science at the bench as I became a team leader of a number of scientific teams. I had also taken on the role of Laboratory manager and, eventually, became the Operations Director for the whole site rather than a scientist as the organisation grew.

I then ended up a Vice-President and Site General Manager of quite a large 800 person orgnanisation. My legacy exists in the buildings which still stand and the drugs that I helped develop.

Can you elaborate on what your extensive skillset can offer our clients?

I am not only a very experienced scientist used to working in labs, I am also a highly experienced Operations Director of scientific facilities so I have extensive experience in fitting out all sorts of laboratories. I have:

  • repurposed offices to labs.
  • old factories to labs.
  • built a corporate HQ for CAT.
  • refitted a purpose built chemistry facility to a molecular biology facility.
  • built pilot plants, clean roons and in vivo facilities.

I have also been on the design team for a global pharmaceutical HQ located in Cambridge.

I have worked in, fitted out and been responsible for the day to day operations of a large portfolio of labs and offices in my career.  I was responsible for technical teams such as building engineering, facilities and health and safety, so I understand how buildings run and are maintained.

How did you hear about COEL and what motivated you to become a consultant for COEL?

I first encountered COEL some years ago when I was Site General Manager for the MedImmune site on Granta Park where COEL did some work for the company.  Our paths have crossed ever since.


Did you always want to work in the life science industry?

Not really.  My first aim was to become a pilot in the Royal Air Force, but I failed the medical.

I was a bit lost for a couple of years, (hence the embalming) but I had always enjoyed science at school so took the plunge and the rest is history.

What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?

I actually have quite a few hobbies, but I love clay pigeon shooting the most. I am a bit of an oddity though, I shoot antique Victorian muzzle loading shotguns, so guns that are over 150 years old.

I love the challenge of trying to hit the clays, but, mostly, I love the technical side of maintaining and shooting these old guns. Using a piece of Victorian engineering made by a craftsman probably by hand is something special. I also have an old MG which I love tinkering with and driving around the country lanes (but only when the sun is out).

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