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Meet The Team: George Walker

Introducing our amazing Head of HR, George Walker. George joined us to bolster our Human Resources department last year and has already had a positive impact on our workforce.

To find out more about her journey and some of her initiatives at COEL, read or watch our conversation below.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to join COEL?

I have worked in Human Resources for over 20 years and in a variety of different industries. Prior to joining COEL I worked for an insurance company based in Peterborough for 12 years.

During this time, I had both of my children and was fortunate to see how different HR initiatives can have a significant impact on an organisation.

My decision to come to COEL, was due to me feeling like it was time for a change and a new challenge – and having met with some of the team during the interview stage I could see how my previous experiences could compliment the direction in which COEL is heading!

What does a typical day look like?

There isn’t really a typical day, but my mornings normally start with checking my emails and responding to any queries that might have come in.

A lot of my role can be reactive, though I try to be as proactive as possible. This revolves around the company culture, the development opportunities that there are and, ultimately, enhance employee engagement across the workforce.

What challenges have you had to overcome on your role?

We have both office and site employees, so it can be a challenge to bring together and ensuring both sides are equally engaged.

The key to this, I think, is coming up new and engaging ways to get the teams to interact and work together in a fun way.

Did you always want to work in HR?

I never envisaged a career in HR, rather an opportunity presented itself within a role for Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the rest is history.

What’s your favourite thing about COEL?

I know everyone says the people, so I will say: the possibilities. COEL is at a really good place and there is so much more opportunity for improvement and growth, so I’m really excited for the future.

Though, the people really are amazing. There isn’t an easy way to explain why everyone says the people – you have to be in contact with our workforce to understand it.

What do you like to do in your free time?

I love to spend time with my family, including my husband and children. I am a bit of a social butterfly and enjoy meeting up with friends and planning things to look forward to.

George Walker collage



Why should people join the COEL team?

COEL is experiencing an exciting period of growth and transformation. There is a strong emphasis on our employees, with a culture that truly enhances engagement. We believe it’s crucial for those interested in joining COEL, to understand our values when considering a role with us, as future employees should feel their values align with ours.

My background isn’t in construction, yet it has been an incredibly interesting and educational journey for me. It’s inspiring to witness the fit out transformations our teams create for other businesses and be a part of that. This is definitely a place you can feel proud to work for.

Since joining, what initiatives have you created that you are most proud of?

I was pleased to be introduced to the existing culture group when I joined and become a part of this team; it’s been fulfilling to contribute to various initiatives. Having a positive impact on culture is one of the most enjoyable elements of my HR role. The team will continue to focus on key areas such as:

– Health and Wellbeing
– Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion
– Corporate Social Responsibility
– Reward and Recognition

Looking after our own people, supporting the wider communities, and having a positive impact on the environment are some of the main objectives of our working group.

Additionally, improving communication across the business has been a focus. With both office and site-based staff, maintaining interaction can be challenging, as mentioned previously. Every quarter, we hold a company update where all employees gather to receive the same communication. These events are always evolving, featuring games, quizzes, and even BBQs or savoury feasts!

What strategic plans are you looking to implement in the future?

We are committed to development opportunities and succession planning at COEL. Our organisation has a clear structure and people motivated for continuous learning and development. It’s important for all employees to see their potential progression and have a level of control in achieving it. I will be looking at development plans across the business and working with departmental managers to create plans for their team that will include tailored KPIs, core competencies, and behaviours for each employee.

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