Future Workplace Competition – and the Winners are …

The future workplace competition entries displayed an exceptional level of talent in artistic, graphic, written, and logistic skill. So many thanks to give but, we must start with all the brilliant 7-18 year olds who sent their entries in. We were bowled over by the skill set and the clever ideas. We were very pleased that the tricky job of choosing the winners was left to four very skilled experts: thank you Charles Cotton from Frontier Developments, Wei Meng from TusPark UK, Lucy Searle from Homes and Gardens and Martin Frohock from Arm.
Thank you also to the Cambridge Independent for hosting the competition and to our co-sponsors: Bidwells, Allia Future Business Centre and Cambridge Science Centre.
To all those who didn’t win – please keep those visionary ideas of how to create a better future workplace going. You will shape our world and from the entries we have seen it will be AMAZING!
For more information, please click here.