COEL feature in the TOP 100 List of Leading Companies for Cambridgeshire

The much anticipated annual list compiled by Grant Thornton of Top 100 Companies in Cambridgeshire for 2021 has been revealed.
News that COEL (Cambridge Office Environments Ltd) has once more shot into the listing at number 89, was met with delight by all the team.
COEL is a leading design and fit out company for offices and laboratories. They offer a full turn-key service, including a property management division CPMS, and CMS which provides office furniture, commercial relocation and storage. Throughout the course of the last two years, COEL has been advising companies about adhering to safety guidelines as well as taking responsibility for maintenance of buildings, both in terms of when a building may have been left empty due to lockdown restrictions, and in terms of reopening the building in accordance with health and safety standards. COEL has seen some organisations re-think the space they need moving forward, as some employees adopt agile working on a more permanent footing; COEL’s space planners and designers have helped companies consolidate their space, providing a more economical and often more ecological working environment. CMS has been key to this process with their fully manned storage facilities and sustainable furniture disposal service.
With over 30 years’ experience in the field, COEL retain and attract a wide sector of professional businesses, including: health care, education, hospitality. corporate, research and development and retail. COEL went through an MBO in the spring of 2021, which saw five of the board members take control of the company from two majority shareholders.
Group CEO Alistair Rumbelow had to say of the award:
“COEL has a clear remit to grow bigger but, we also prioritise being better as well.
Our company was founded on solid values – to provide excellent service, invest in and build strong relationships with all our stakeholders, to give back and support our local community, and to aim to source local, ecological and sustainable methods where possible. Our focus moving forward is to adapt the structure of the company to encourage growth whilst maintaining stability in alignment with our ideals.
It feels a tremendous acknowledgement to be recognised in the Grant Thornton Top 100 Companies in Cambridgeshire once again amongst so many well respected organisations; we are very grateful to all involved in compiling the list.”
Paul Brown, Audit Director at Grant Thornton comments on COEL’s entry into the listing:
“It is refreshing to see COEL in the Top 100 Companies in Cambridgeshire listing once more, both in terms of them representing the design sector and in demonstrating that even through this unprecedented period, when many have questioned the future of the workplace, that there is still both interest and need in having a central base and a hub for work colleagues to get together. COEL’s growth demonstrates businesses clearly have confidence to invest in their facilities and premises.
I look forward to following COEL’s progress as they continue to develop and strengthen their innovative and progressive brand.”